Wednesday, September 7, 2011

fibro found in a nutshell

I started feeling offish and some aches and muscle spasms 2001, then thru 2003 tests and more tests and lots of research on my part (you definitely have to be a "health-team" WITH your doctor). In 2005 I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia. November of 2007 I had a surgery with SEVERAL complications and my life went from manageable to CRAP (that's the nice work) overnite!!! And the pain became beyond intense and my body just fell apart so to speak! The last couple of years I have had good health care, the last year THE BEST!!! and I am doing better and better everyday! My goal is to get to my pre-surgery health.... oh, and I am 35 yrs old and have a 15 yr old and 11 yr old daughterS. The Lord has seen me through so much and continues to move in my life even if I don't feel Him....  This was from the new website that I posted and wanted to put it on my blog as it is my timeline so to speak!!! til next time.... 

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